
Divining a line between interesting and not-interesting.


FootFace said... "Why is there no title on this post? WHY?!"

They were talking baseball on the radio this morning. A caller was asking a question about the M's and pointed out that in 1995 there were a lot of young players, replacement players, and "everybody stepped up to the plate at the same time."

Friends, if you're going to use baseball metaphors, be sure you're not talking about baseball at the time.


  • At 17:57, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Why is there no title on this post?


  • At 06:33, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I said that? But there is PLAINLY a title on it. I'm confused. What was I thinking?

  • At 09:36, Anonymous Health Yatra said…

    That was a VERY interesting one! Seriously interesting.


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