
Divining a line between interesting and not-interesting.


Where's the sugar?

Look for the canister that says "Dixie Crystals" on the outside. That's the one with sugar on the inside.

Perhaps it should be "Dixie" Crystals. Or maybe Dixie "Crystals." Then again, "Dixie" "Crystals" has a nice ring to it.


Somebody needs to set the record straight about hobos. Are they gruff-but-loveable train hoppers, or sick, predatory rail-dwellers?

I once took a train across the country. I sat in coach and ate refried beans from a can. I didn't have a fork, so I used my finger to scoop the beans out of the can. People were horrified, and rightly so.


Bongo solo

It probably goes without saying that a lot of my thoughts begin with "If I were an evil dictator, why, I'd..."

Here's one: "...why, I'd grab that goddamn hippie and tattoo 'Bongo solo punishable by death' on the inside of his eyelids. You know, just as a warning."


What should I do if a lahar occurs?

Sure, they have evacuation plans. They'll tell you which places are "safe" and which are not. But really, there's no "safe" place when it comes to a lahar.


Welcome to Sky City

The wife and I watched a Discovery Channel production about Sky City last night. What is Sky City? What isn't Sky City!
With a height of 1,000 meters and a total floor area of 800 hectares, SKY CITY 1000 is a superhigh-rise city comprising 14 concave dish-shaped, aerial bases called, "Space Plateaus" stacked one upon the other. Residences, offices, commercial facilities, schools, theaters and so forth are organically located in these spaces.
How could you not like Space Plateaus!? Or maybe you're one of those skeptics who thinks we can't build a skyscraper too big to hold up its own weight! You make me sick, you.


Checking in

It's been a while since I've posted to this blog. Just checking in to make sure everybody's doing O.K.


Time to post

I can tell how odd something is to me by how long it takes for me to post about it. Take these two incidents, for example:
  • About three weeks ago, I saw Robert Smith of the Cure driving a teal, late model sedan (no idea what the make or model was)
  • About three days ago, I saw a blind man riding a bicycle. Dark glasses, white cane, bicycle.


New Logo

A fan has contributed a logo. Thanks fan! I made a slight modification, but I think I've stayed true to the spirit of the original.
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